Godless is an American television drama mini-series created by Scott Frank for Netflix.The seven-episode limited series began production in Santa Fe, New Mexico in September 2016, and was released on Netflix globally on November 22, 2017.The series received positive reviews,and was named one of the year's 10 best by The Washington Post and Vanity Fair.
"Fathers & Sons"
Bill arrives at the meeting place and finds Cook's dead body. After noticing the local law's lack of interest in doing anything, and seeing that a Griffin gang member stole Cook's badge, Bill becomes more motivated to find Frank. The Griffin Gang finds a sick house, where Frank decides to help the sick; he is unafraid to do so as he's "seen his death" and "this ain't it" (a recurring phrase throughout the series). Roy goes hunting with Truckee and Iyovi, where he finds a box of mail in a crashed stage coach. Logan goes to Blackdom and tells the Buffalo Soldiers if they keep to themselves, Quicksilver will divert a river to the village. Grigg, believing Roy to be in La Belle, goes there, but the townsfolk (not knowing Roy is "Mr. Ward") tell him he is being fooled. A flashback introduces Lucy Cole, a nun who cared for Roy and his brother Jim as children. Whitey is told by Louise's father to stay away. After seeing Louise's father beating her, Whitey nearly shoots him, but stops after seeing Roy; Whitey talks to Roy and realizes Roy is a good man. Bill encounters Frank and his gang. After initially trying to fool Frank, Bill admits he is the law. Frank, however, leaves with his gang, as he's not afraid of Bill.
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