Pranaya Vilasam (lit. 'Love address') is a 2023 Indian Malayalam movie directed by Nikhil Muraly and produced by Siby Chavara and Renjith Nair under the banner Green Room Productions. It features Arjun Ashokan, Anaswara Rajan, Mamitha Baiju, Hakkim Sha, Manoj K U in the main leads The film was released on 24 February 2023.
Suraj, an aspiring singer who studies at Payyannur college; Rajeevan, his father, a village officer; and Anusree, his mother, are the central characters of this movie. Suraj is in love with his friend from college. Rajeevan, on the other hand, had a relationship back in college that never proceeded. Things took an exciting turn when both Rajeevan and Suraj got to know that Anusree, in her past, was in a relationship. The curiosity inside the father and son to discover Anu’s love drives Pranaya Vilasam forward.
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