Marco (2024), directed by Haneef Adeni, is a Malayalam-language action thriller that delivers a gritty tale of vengeance, power, and betrayal. Starring Unni Mukundan in the lead role, the film follows Marco D’Peter, a man on a blood-soaked path to avenge the brutal murder of his brother Victor and the annihilation of his family. Released on December 20, 2024, Marco has garnered widespread attention for its intense action sequences, compelling performances, and top-tier technical execution.
The story unfolds as Marco, a man adopted into the prestigious D’Peter family, returns from exile after his blind brother Victor is murdered. Marco is drawn into a deadly game against the Isaac family, led by the sadistic Russell Isaac (Abhimanyu S Thilakan) and his father Tony Isaac (Jagadish). What begins as a mission for justice escalates into a full-scale war, with Marco taking down each conspirator in a series of bloody encounters, culminating in a climactic showdown.
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